
Essential Things to Know Before Camping in Uganda

Are you planning a camping trip to Uganda? Camping is a great way to get physical activity. Do things such as walking, hiking, biking, or swimming to stay active during your camping trip. Planning a camping trip begins with the desire to get outdoors. Once you have the idea, you will only need to pick a date, find a campground, choose a route, prepare your gear or grocery shopping and head out.

But camping isn’t just a prescription for dealing with urban angst and anxiety. It’s also a joy in its own right an excuse to go to bed early, stare at the stars and get your hands dirty eating gooey s’ mores roasted over an open flame. Let’s look out on the things to know before camping;

  • Tent

When you go camping the ever important camping tent is your shelter from the weather and the elements. Whether it is snowing, raining sunny, windy or perfect weather, you will want a camping tent to sleep comfortably and sales at night. Camping tents come in many shapes, sizes, and styles. So be sure to shop around to find one that suits you. First and foremost, practice pitching your tent before you head to the campsite.

Being able to do it quickly and effectively is extremely valuable. When looking for place to set up a tent, always look for a nature bed of soft, flat soil. Finally, always set up a trap below your tent to avoid potential damage or water logging.

  • Sleeping bag

You will sleep better outdoors if you have a warm and cozy sleeping bag. To make a bed at camping ground, you will need a sleeping bag. Sleeping bags come in various shapes and use different materials for insulation. The type of camping you do will determine what type of sleeping bag you will need to buy.

  • Water

We need water for everything. Be sure to have plenty of drinking water available and extra water for things like washing dishes, doing laundry and taking showers.

  • Camp stove

The camp stove is an important item to take camping because it cooks hot food more efficiently than campfire. This is another inexpensive item that uses the same fuels as lanterns. Unless you are adept at cooking over a wood fire, or you just like eating cold foods you will need a stove.

  • Camping essentials

A pot, pan, dishes, utensils and fire starting materials, a utility knife and length of rope, energy rich, easily, prepared foods and snacks, plenty of clothing, a tight closing cooler to store food items in, hand sanitizer and soap

  • First Aid kit

Do not go camping without your first aid kit. It is easy to fall down and get a wound in the great outdoors.

  • Rain Gear

Remember to bring along adequate clothing for any weather that you are likely to encounter. That means a complete change of clothes, should the ones you are wearing get wet. One item that always comes in handy is a rain jacket.

  • Folding chair

You’ll be so glad you packed this lightweight folding chair when you’re roasting marshmallows by the fire at the end of a long day.

  • Foldable table

Aside from your tent, this pack and go aluminum table makes the best spot to hang out and unwind especially when it’s filled with food. Don’t worry about carrying this around, either.

  • Meals and drinks

Staying in the great outdoors means cooking without the convenience of kitchen appliances, Camp meals are often a highlight of any camping experience. With a little planning and preparation you can make some pretty awesome meals no matter what type of camping you’re doing. I’ll focus on meal planning and recipe ideas for front country (car) camping, as it is the type of camping that most families do.

  • Campfire Cooking

If you’re lucky enough to be camping when there isn’t a fire ban you’ll get to experience the pleasure of cooking over a campfire (or better yet hot coals). It’s a great way to slow down and reconnect with the essence of simple cooking. You can use a grill that sits over the fire, roast items on a stick or wrap your meal in foil and sit it by the coals. Here are some ideas. Camping Orange Muffins, Fire Roasted Potatoes, Bannock wrapped around a stick, Popcorn, Baked Apples

  • Eco-friendly environment

Take into consideration if you are staying in a tent or camper. Some campgrounds are more tent-friendly than others. Likewise, some have all the amenities and hook-ups necessary for campers. Do you care if there is a shower and flush toilets or are you okay with roughing it for the weekend? You can

  • No Wi-Fi

Campground Wi-Fi, when it works, it’s great. When it doesn’t, it’s frustrating. Campground Wi-Fi is free, but also has fatal flaws: If you’re far from the router or in a packed campground with people trying to download movies, you won’t be able to send a one-sentence email. Think about it like free Wi-Fi in an airport: It can be helpful when it’s available, but you wouldn’t want to bet an important work project on it. We’ve had luck with campground Wi-Fi at smaller county parks.

  • Camping rope and hooks

You’ll be surprised at how often this rope and hook setup will come in handy. Once you fasten it around a nearby tree, you can hang your supplies in one spot, air wet clothing out to dry.

  • Camping fire relax

To burn a successful fire, you’ll need three types fuel: tinder, kindling and firewood. Tinder includes small twigs, dry leaves, needles or forest duff. Kindling consists of small sticks, typically less than one inch around. How much firewood you need for camping mainly depends on how long you plan to stay in camp and how much wood you can take with you. The best way to light a campfire is by using matches or a lighter. Most people go on a camping trip with these items packed. Lighting a fire without these items is very difficult.

  • Can you beers while camping

Camping is often associated with alcoholic drinks like beer, cider, wine and highball cocktails. In addition to the healthier drinks recommended for kids above, healthier options for adults include: Water steeped with fresh herbs like mint or lemon balm, Coffee, Tea: green, black or herbal


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